I am very pleased to see many things coming back from previous year's efforts. Some peonies that petered out last year or year before are coming back in a few locations in my yard. The ones below (in the background) were from my dividing efforts 2 years ago.
![Lamb's Ears](https://farm6.staticflickr.com/5492/13656033404_ca7fe3bd56.jpg)
The Lamb's Ears were from last year. Both plants made it. I haven't had luck with Lamb's Ear in many, many years so this is cause for celebration!
And the hosta is from a few years back? I can't even remember now but I am happy, happy, happy to see the shoots coming up under my magnolia tree!
![Hosta Coming Back](https://farm4.staticflickr.com/3833/13655732153_9b4a505950.jpg)
Back here by the big old Cottonwood behind the swing set is the site of my future berry grove. I have long neglected this area for the past couple of years. My mom and I transferred a ton of lilies and irises here a few years ago and I also planted a Chinese Pistache tree and Ginkgo tree back there, but I've wanted to do more.
![West Side](https://farm4.staticflickr.com/3750/13655495045_a799076e41.jpg)
Turns out the birds "helped" me plant some Mulberry trees back there so I started the process of turning the soil and extracting those lovely voluntaries out of my yard and into the Fire Bowl.
Speaking of the Fire Bowl, we got a new camera with some fun features like super slow-mo..check it out.
We picked up two of each of the following bushes to help us in our effort to grow more food in the yard: blueberry, blackberry and raspberry. I am so stoked but I have a little more digging to do before I can plant those plants. I wanted to post a before picture to add to the suspense/anticipation.
And in the East yard I also have my work cut out for me. I have a few Asparagus plants back there and some Monkey Grass that needs to go. I would like to plant my cauliflower, quinoa, chick peas and herbs in this bed so I can monitor progress from the kitchen window. I may plant some veggies in pots on this hardly used porch too. I am trying to get things more established so I can have more stuff come back year after year like the figs and pecans....maybe some ALMONDS this year?
![East Yard](https://farm8.staticflickr.com/7205/13656022324_f55874b362.jpg)
I am trying to be reasonable in my goals, but you know how that can go...
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