06 July 2012

Luck Favors the Prepared

This post isn't about the subject line (or is it?); I just liked that line from The Incredibles.

I was rooting around in the garden taking photos of the progress and trying to remember where I found that tee-tiny watermelon on the 4th when I happened upon this guy:

Surprise! Watermelon!
This watermelon is about as big as my fist...
This watermelon is not the watermelon I found the other day so it appears that we have 4 watermelons growing along nicely now! All descendants from the wonderful organic watermelon we enjoyed last year.

The white Casper Pumpkins will be really cool this Halloween too:

Casper Pumpkin
Ghoulishly White....
My garden is a mess with the watermelon and pumpkin growing wildly out of control across rogue tomatoes and basil and strawberry plants (who are not producing). I still have a large flowering vine that is different enough from the casper pumpkin for me to still have hope that I have Kabocha.

Please be Kabocha. That would be tooooo cooool having 2 organic producing vines from my Natural Grocer purchases..

I guess we will have to wait and see...

My family did not love the squash when I served it originally, but if you recall, they didn't complain when I served it in a smoothie. Emi informed me today that if I seasoned it with cajun seasoning, she would eat it up. I will have to keep that in mind. I am envisioning Kabocha Squash soup and maybe some toasted seeds.

It's hard to imagine the Fall now that Summer is in full swing, but the stores are already advertising for Back to School! We haven't even taken our summer vacay yet, so please don't rush us...and garden, please keep chugging along so we can enjoy some of your delights this season (watermelon, figs) and some in the following season (pumpkin, squash).

Hope you are enjoying your sum-sum-summertime too!


  1. I am hoping next year to expand on my garden space to plant squash, and maybe a pumpkin or two. I only did some basics this year, tomatoes, cukes, herbs, peppers, potatoes, lettuce and onions.

    1. Carla, that sounds like good basics to me! I am going to try to add more to my production next year too. I was in San Diego and saw an artichoke plant (blooming I might add) and I've always wanted to grow them so I might. And I still have quinoa seeds from the failed effort so I will jump on that horse again. I think I will add a raised garden in a sunnier area too. BTW, those clematis that I got from Sam's back in the spring never sprouted. I was bummed...shoulda returned them but I didn't keep the package... maybe we should start a seed exchange or something!

  2. Hi, Nolita! Your garden looks like it's thriving in spite of the heat. Cajun seasoned squash sounds good to me, too!

    1. Hi Kim, surprisingly my garden has survived. We were out of town for a week and my stuff survived my absence (my nephew watered my plants). I still feel lucky w.r.t. growing things...


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