26 July 2012


Thank goodness for texting so that I can recall some of the memorable moments in my life that get tamped down into oblivion with work and life and etc. I like to scroll down my text messages to see some nuggets shared with family and friends about happenings in my family.

We've had some real gems lately...to wit:

In California, the Little Ones' grandpa was saying that he had a Sucker Tree in the backyard and you could pick suckers right off of it. David said "PaPa, you're lying!" and Aubri said " Yeah PaPa, you don't have a backyard!"

Big sister Emi, in an effort to dis David, said that he was "soooo undervocabularied".  I didn't bother checking on the this word as I did in the past.

While in a restroom in Flagstaff, I told Aubri that I wanted to pee in the nice clean restaurant instead of on the road and she said "That would be weird". (Yes, I guess that would be. )

After we returned from California, Aubri told us that her Grandpa Brian gave her an "adult book". When I asked her for more details, she said she'd have to show me. Upon further investigation, she could not find the alleged "adult book". (Not even under her mattress...We think he was trying to give her a grownup book...at least we hope!)

The other night Aubri was giggling and and said something about her GoGo's boobies. I asked her "What about her boobies?" and Aubri said they jiggle. I asked her when she noticed this and she said that they jiggled when GoGo was in the shower. (Apparently she noticed this when getting a new bandaid put on...)

Last night when Scott's parents were over to swim, David looked at his granddad and said "Your nipples are HUGE!"

Hah! They are so innocent in their expressions but it cracks us up!

1 comment:

  1. Made me laugh OUT LOUD and repeatedly. Yup. These are gems! ;) Have a great weekend, Nolita!


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