21 April 2012


Emi's team won their last game today and they are un-de-fea-ted! I was nervous because Scott said it was a big game against another undefeated team and Emi also spent the night at the Science Museum with her Girl Scout troop last night. A night at the museum! They had science classes and experiments and they had breakfast up there too, but I don't think there was much sleeping going on...and remember last time she stayed at a GS lock-in before her big game(s)?

Crashing (or trying to)
This was our champ post-lock-in and pre-games...
Well, today we decided to go with Sweet Tea before the noon time game and it proved to be a wise choice. They won 4-0! The girls played so well! It was like they were on fire or something!

Emi Kicking
Sweet Tea is not considered a performance enhancing drug, is it?

So proud of my baby girl!

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