11 July 2018

Playcation Day 3

We started off the 3rd day at Latin Grill for a Cuban breakfast. Only picture I got was outside of the restaurant. ;.(


10 July 2018

Playcation Day 2

The next day would be a little different. Emi didn't want to go to the beach with us, so we gave her a pass. I was tired and a little sunburned so I thought I might stay home too, but we were meeting my cousins, so I bucked up. My mom convinced us to drive her old car that had been sitting a while. She replaced the battery while we were on the ocean the day before and that was about it. I still wanted to take our reliable car, but she and Scott said there was more room in her car for the gear. I lost that battle.

Note: She didn't tell us that the A/C wasn't working in her car until after we loaded up and were driving down the driveway.


09 July 2018

Playcation Day 1

We decided to squeeze in a road trip to visit family in Florida. We left Oklahoma at 8pm on Friday and drove through the night to get to my mom’s house less than 24 hours later. It was a grueling drive in some parts, but we had a driver to help us out this trip.

Rear View
Our 3rd Driver Power Napping After Her Shift