04 January 2016


Not really resolutions, but things I want to try to do this year:

  1. Drink more water. (as per always)
  2. Try this hot detox tonic to see if I really feel energized.
  3. Get more active. I don't want to join a gym or go crazy with these goals, but I need to do something. I am at my heaviest currently and I no likey.
  4. Wear more dresses and skirts, girly clothing. This would be so much easier if my spare tire/muffin top/beer gut/pot belly were gone.
  5. Create a t-shirt quilt.
  6. Make and distribute Blessing Bags. I don't know that I'd fill the bags with exhaustive items like toiletries because those are available at shelters, but socks, gloves, non-sweet snacks, wipes and change might help someone in need to bridge the gap between now and securing shelter.  I don't know if I'd have the nerve to hand this type of thing over to someone on the street, but there are children that go to school with my children that might have a need too.. Just a thought.
  7. Design a driveway gate and make it happen!


  1. Inspiring list, Nolita! Happy New Year!!!

    1. I swear I posted a reply to this last week but I don't see it. Happy New Year, Kim!


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