This morning on my way to work I saw a double rainbow! The last time I saw a double rainbow was 6 months ago when I was in
Oahu. And the time before that was last year in the
Wichita Mountains. What a
beautiful way to start the day (following 2 gorgeous days of rain).
We've had a fairly packed summer with basketball and family gatherings and I am ready to regroup with my little family for a bit...and have some lazy summer days before they all grow up and leave our nest. ;.(
We celebrated Emi's 11th birthday last month and right after that, the Little Ones' grandparents, aunt and birth mom were in town for a visit. That was a bit of a stressful time as we didn't have much notice to plan things out (and I was looking forward to some serious down time for the 4th) but it worked out fine. David and Aubri will have memories they can cherish a lifetime.
And my kids seem happy, don't they?
And Emi was gone last week at church camp. When we dropped her off at the church (not our church so it was a little odd for me), it was so sad. Scott and I both felt an emptiness I hadn't felt before. It was so nice when she got back home to us where she belongs.
She had a fun week making new friends and singing in front of the camp (no surprise there). The day she got back we went to a
friend's wine tasting and movie night. That was a fun time. The kids watched Oz in the back yard while the adults sampled wine and snacks.
We have so much going on these days and I just want to S-L-O-W things down like when I was a kid for just a bit...