04 October 2012


So I finally finished Hunger Games after I got home from Elk Grove Saturday night. I had 10 pages left when we touched down and I guess I could have sped-read them while waiting on luggage but I didn't want to rush the ending. 

My friend Christina was on the trip with me so I tried my hardest to finish the book while we were TDY so I could return it, but what can I say? We spent too much time gabbing and catching up on life after class that I didn't have time. Bygones, because we had a lovely time instead. And we made a new friend!

At the Hotel
Last night in Elk Grove

When Scott and the family got home Saturday we decided to rent the movie version of Hunger Games as it was only 99 cents. While I liked the movie, I couldn't help but be critical when things were glossed over or not developed enough to understand (for someone who hadn't read the book). After the movie I explained the deviations and surprises. For one, I did not know from the book that Rue was a little black girl (not that that was a deviation - that was a nice surprise). Such a cutie pie too! And how cool is it that Cinna was played by Lenny Kravitz?!  I won't post the deviations and spoil the movie for you. 

So anyway, today my friend Christina brought me the other books in the series - Catching Fire and Mockingjay - so I'm hoping to carve out some time to read on this extra long weekend. I also got another zombie book from a co-worker that I'm sure I will enjoy.


  1. i was so surprised that lenny kravitz was in the movie AND that he was Cinna! i want to watch the movie again. i saw it in theater and had a few drinks before / during so i'm sure i missed some exciting details :)

    1. And the good news is that there is Catching Fire and Mockinjay to look forward to also! I'm reading Catching Fire right now and Cinna's still around!


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