28 May 2012

My Babies

They are watching Puss in Boots for the second time this weekend and I am feeling blessed to witness them growing up.  They've been in the pool most of the weekend hopefully getting worn out (because their mama sure is!)...

Me and Mine
I am so proud of these babies...so hard to remember how things were before them...


  1. I -absolutely- love this photo! You are very blessed with those three angels. Love you!

    1. Thanks, Shawna. Hope you and Papa Dave are doing well. Getting ready for Cali?

  2. Yes! Ive been trying to ready Jazmins room. We are praying & ( im.hoping) and thinking about moving to the okc area to be closer to family, and for Jazmins sake to be around the women of her family to get those lessons she wasn't given as a child/ teen. Ill keep u updatd, it wont be till the fall. & Davids hip still is.giving him pain but he got a sit down job so hopefully it eases up!

  3. Nolita, that photo has LOVE written all over it! :) What a beautiful bunch of "babies" you have... it sure doesn't take long for them to grow up, does it?!


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