28 June 2009

Pie in the Sky

Yesterday we hosted Emi's 7th birthday party in the back yard and it was a blast! She wanted pie instead of cake and it was a welcomed departure. Inspired by the Make the Pie Fly game Daddy participated in at the Nickelodeon Hotel, we scripted the party around pie. We had 6 different kinds of pie for eating and plenty of whipped cream pies for sharing as well. The kids swam and snacked first, then we had a rousing game of Musical Pies. We played "Hold on Tight" (ELO) and had 2 pies circulating at a time. Whenever we paused the song, whomever was left holding a pie, had to make it fly...right into their faces. We were surprised to see how quickly the children cottoned to the idea of taking a pie in the face...and how some kept coming back for more. The pie game was a big hit!

After every child had gotten their share of pies-in-the-face, we moved on to the water balloon fight. The poor unsuspecting parents lounged in the shade of the yard under misters and a fan breeze. That is until Scott instructed the children to attack the parents. Some of the parents actually retaliated. It was a The Hottest Day of the year at 102 degrees so some parents also decided to take a dip in the pool fully clothed. We call the party a success! Emi told us it was the best party ever!

19 June 2009

Passion in the Air

A year ago we planted our 2 Passion Flower vines outside to fend for themselves over the winter. They bloomed very nicely last year, and this year we have FRUIT!

18 June 2009


Emi was complaining Monday that "it doesn't feel like summer". This after spending a week at Disneyworld visiting 4 parks, 24-hrs at Nickelodeon Hotel, camping at the lake, tennis lessons, a break from piano lessons, and participating in many other activities whilst her parents are at work. Later she said her throat was sore so we took her to the doctor for a throat swab and she ended up testing positive for strep. STREP! Feel like summer now? Actually she had 2 days home with dad and 1 with me so it was a nice break for us and her... Maybe this was God's way of making us all slow down for a minute...

17 June 2009

Lake Party 2009

Well, we survived another lake party. Despite the tornadoes that blew through town Friday night we were able to set up and break down in record time, with maximum enjoyment. And, for the first time in the 10 years that we've been hosting this party, I tent camped. Note to self: next year splurge for the air mattress.

07 June 2009

Conference Trip Recap...