18 September 2013

Sweet Craving Remix (or maybe just Rename)

Last week someone posted a recipe on FaceBook for Pecan Cake Bars. I was immediately intrigued because while I am a huge fan of pecan pie, I am not a great maker of pecan pie.  And also, the pie can be too sweet and not nearly as portable as it could be.

Enter, the Pecan Cake BarCrack

Pecan Crack

The crust reminds me of the Scotch Shortbread I used to pester my mom to let me bake while she was at work. It was so simple and so good!  After the crust is baked partially, you dump the buttery, caramelly, pecan mixture on top and bake for a little longer. It reminds me of the dessert that we saw Trisha Yearwood make recently - she called it "Crack".

I didn't get a lot of good pictures of the Pecan Crack but I did manage to get a bunch of tastes, so you'll have to take my word on this or create some yourself. I left about a dozen bites for the family and took the rest in to the office. I had to as this 8x11 pan contained 3 sticks of butter!!! My office mates seemed happy, happy, happy that I shared this treat with them.

So tonight after dinner I was craving something sweet (Braum's Brownie Fudge Sundae) but I was wanting to make use of the ripe bananas before they were too far gone and I did not want to use 3 sticks of butter. I also wanted something blueberry but not bread or pancakes so I could make this breakfast snack in advance.  So I searched for a banana blueberry cookie recipe.

I got a good one that even called for oats (bonus! fiber!) and only 1 stick of butter.

Blueberry, Banana Oat Muffin Tops

These were so moist and yummy! I would not describe them as cookies so much as muffin tops. And these are some muffin tops that I can appreciate!

Blueberry, Banana Oat Muffin Tops

Hope your Harvest Moon Hump Day has been as sweet as mine!

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