30 September 2012

Rainy Day

Mommy's safe at home, Emi's basketball tournament is over (they took 2nd place) and David's soccer game has been canceled. We've been given some unexpected down time (hallelujah!). We sorted through goodies that I brought back from my trip - fake moustaches, watermelon twists, whoopie cushions, astronaut ice cream and Stars Wars Mad Libs. (We finished the Ube bread with breakfast and it was thoroughly enjoyed.)

Morgan Staches

Morgans Rock the Moustache
Gracie didn't want to wear her 'stache...

Morgans Rock the Moustache
You burned the souffle?

My Little Jokesters

Lost Marx Brother


  1. Nolita, what a hoot! You take souvenirs to a whole new level. :)

    1. Hey Kim, I have to stick to a budget!


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