10 June 2011

Nine Years Ago

On this day 9 years ago we anxiously met with Emi's birth mom for the first time. A few days prior I was not sure we (I) could even handle adoption, let alone transracial open adoption. What a CRAZY concept, right? I distinctly remember calling the then Director of Deaconess Adoption the Friday before our scheduled meeting and telling her how awful I felt about potentially saying "no" to a baby. A baby that we'd gone into major debt trying to have via IVF and FET a few years prior. The birth mom had picked us from our profile and she wanted to meet with us. The director assured me that God had a plan for the baby and told me not to feel bad about my fears.

We prayed about it and when we met with the birth mom a few days later, we were immediately at peace. We just loved her from the beginning. She didn't know if the baby was a boy or girl, but she knew that whatever it was it going to have a lot of hair. 16 days later our lives were forever changed....

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