Today we worked in the yard for several back breaking hours making lots of progress in beautifying things up for the upcoming pig roast. Emi and I also created her first herb garden following some cool instructions found at Very cool idea indeed to simply lay down newspaper in the desired shape, cover with mulch, arrange the potted herb plants where desired, then just dig holes through the newspaper and plant the herbs. It wasn't too bad but I did get caught up in extracting more weeds than I thought I would have to...I thought over time the newspaper would kill existing weeds which in turn would become food for the plants. Well, our weeds seemed a little advanced so the garden took a little longer than planned, but I think it looks perfect! We planted rosemary, lavender, Greek oregano, thyme, basil, parsley and panseys. We also planted some strawberries in an existing bed close to some Italian Parsley that came back from last year. In other news, our garlic that we totally ignored last year is back with a vengeance and a couple of the asparagus plants that we neglected are back this year.
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