25 July 2009

Week Recap

MONDAY: Ped visit to figure out if Emi's massive congestion of late is allergies or a cold. Doc said it appears to be viral, gave us nose spray and a reference to the Move For Life program held at the hospital. This was not the first time she'd given us this sheet and she made no mention of taking blood this time so we registered immediately to attend this class so we can dodge that bullet. Emi is a big girl and her height and weight gives the doctor concern about childhood obesity and diabetes, etc. If you calculate BMI based strictly on weight and height measurements, one might be concerned, but I REALLY, REALLY think that ethnicity should be factored in as well. Not that we couldn't stand to be healthier. Move For Life sessions include parents and child and involve a dietician, P.E. teacher and a mental health therapist. I think it's a great idea and glad that the session is FREE. It sounds like they will cover many things that I could use a refresher on and Emi could stand to hear from someone besides her parents: positive body image, creative exercise, relaxation (yeah, buddy), positive reinforcement, nutrition... And they give incentives such as jump ropes, pedometers, water bottles, etc. Yeehaw!

TUESDAY: Made the rounds in our neighborhood distributing flyers for our annual block party for National Night Out. Last year we had grand plans hosting our first neighborhood watch block party; this year we are realistic. Pool party and refreshments, maybe a visit from our beat officer. Last year we had our mayor show up to the party. But I guess she had to seeing as she's in our neighborhood and all...but still it was nice to see the support! It took about an hour to distribute the flyers and I must say that our charming little neighborhood seems MUCH bigger canvassing on foot than when we haul A through it to get to another of Emi's activities. We swam for an hour after afterwards and I truly, truly, truly appreciate having a pool this summer!

WEDNESDAY: Twice weekly walk for the first (and only) time this week. Mapped the walk at mapmywalk.com and saw that we walked exactly 2 miles. Not bad for someone who isn't getting much exercise outside of yard work. Scott and I haven't had the nerve/energy(gumption?) to start up the 30 Day Shred again since we returned from FL. 7 WEEKS AGO!!! Yes, we plan to resume TDS very soon! Also, massive yard work with mowing the front yard, trimming the hang over in the dogs' yard and weeding the hell out of the area around the pool. We actually got out the flamethrower to zap the grass/weeds growing in the flagstone patio...nice... smells nice and woodsy out there now!

THURSDAY: Zumba! Survived my first session of Zumba and I can't believe how much I sweat! I mean, perspire... At first the conference room was chilly with the fan blowing super chilled air on us. But after a few minutes of my very graceless movements mimicking the very graceful instructor, I was very grateful for the fan. Maybe the laughing kicked it up a notch for me? I think we dance/moved to 5-6 different songs and just as soon as I "got" a move, we went on to something else. Was odd gyrating my hips in front of people that work with me and I think next time they should dim the lights or pass out shots of Petrone.

FRIDAY: Barely got through the day! TGIF! Ordered Zumba DVDs so that the whole fam can get in on this wild dance/exercise craze...

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