14 August 2008

ADHD Accelerated with Caffeine Intake

Looking for a Reuben sandwich recipe, actually looking for information on Russian dressing after finding a recipe for Reuben and running into trouble finding Russian dressing at Super Target, I found this site ... and also wonderful recipe for coconut cupcakes, something my daughter and I have been itching to bake. Funnily enough, I heard mention of Elise's website when checking out Burnt Lumpia's recipe for chicken foot stock. I wasn't looking at his blog for THAT recipe, but for tips on the correct way to display the traditional wooden fork and spoon on the wall. My mom gave us a set while we were visiting her recently and after we informed my husband's sister about the wooden utensil set on the way via UPS, she brought out a set she bought us a few months ago, after she read about the significance and meaning from reading Burnt Lumpia's blog. The set looks almost exactly like the set my mom gave us...so we'll hang them in the Kitchen and Gathering Room as welcoming symbols to our friends. Weird how things circle back, huh? Wonder what would happen it I decided to go for a 3rd cup of coffee...

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